Findtutors -- Remuneration between £20 and £40 /hour.
Online Tutor of English as a Foreign Language
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We are searching for an innovative and energetic private tutor to join our excellent team of UK tutors.
At FindTutors we're looking for a student or a graduate to help our pupils to achieve their academic goals.
If you have knowlage of English, we need you to help our students to improve their English Level. You must have a native level of English or a high level.
- We do not require previous experience in the position of teacher/trainer.
- Flexibility of timetable
- Possibility of teleworking / remote work
- You will be able to set the price of your classes
- Flexible timetable
- Remuneration between £20 and £40 /hour.
We are looking for a teacher with strong communication and teaching skills to be able to help students understand and comprehend the knowledge imparted in the subject.
Howdy, Stranger!
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