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The Lounge > PC Gamers (23)

PC PC GAMES - By Gamers For Gamers
PC PC GAMES - By Gamers For Gamers
Trinicenter.com - Teaching English as a second language Pt I
Fellow columnist Yusuff Ali invited me last Sunday to say what I think about teaching English as a foreign language in the English-speaking Caribbean. He had heard a BBC report on apparent difficulties Jamaicans, the younger ones especially, had in speaking English since most of them spoke 'creole', and he was shocked at the idea, coming from some academics, that English should be taught as a foreign language. What, he wondered, were my views on the matter?
YouGamers: PC Game Reviews, Previews, News, Articles, System Requirements and the Game-o-Meter
YouGamers is the premium website for the serious PC gamer. Our team of experienced writers examine how the look, feel and performance of a game scales across wide ranges of PC hardware setups. Our unique Game-O-Meter tells if your PC can handle games' hardware requirements

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Mark McDowell