IELTS Course
What's IELTS?
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { cout<<"Hello Mark"; return 0; } //What does this mean? //I can't read c++ codes.
"Before was was was,was was is."
What does this sentence mean?
We love Mark's class.
Do you believe in Jesus?
Isn't it cute?
This is a comment.
No, actually, I'm not religious. I don't believe this person we call Jesus ever actually existed. I'm what is called a "free thinker." I have my own ideas about the ultimate questions of life and even wrote a book called Nauscentrism about such things. You can find it on Amazon. You should consider buying a copy. It's quite interesting, if I do say so myself.
Well, that's a bit difficult to figure out. I guess, before was, was was. But "was" was actually "is."
Yes, it is very cute and adorable. He's a little big though.
I'm so happy you guys love my class. I will certainly miss you when you leave.
That isn't spelled right.
International English Language Testing System
Sorry, I don't actually understand that.
When we are doing a paper test, should we use a pen or a pencil,or everything will be privided?
It is highly recommended that you use a pencil since you'll probably want to make changes, and it would be advisable to bring your own.
Howdy, Stranger!
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